
CSX CEO Makes Top 100 List of Leaders in STEM

The CEO’s center their discussions around technology; innovation; skills to careers; public-private partnerships; women, girls and diversity; global competitiveness; scalability and best practice. STEMconnector® CEO Edie Fraser suggests that the 100 CEO Leaders in STEM represents the best thinking at the highest level and states, “It is all about CEO commitment. We are collectively humbled by the caliber of the entries and salute and congratulate all of those included. We urge all readers to review and discuss what you learn understanding the collective action we must all take to ensure America’s youth and workforce are equipped with the STEM skills needed to compete in the market economy. Let me take a minute also and salute my colleague, Lorena Fimbres, for her enormous vision and effort as our team knew the importance of this publication and its potential impact.”

100 CEO Leaders in STEM Sponsors include KPMG; Cisco; Raytheon; Dow Chemical; PTC; TATA Consultancy Services and University of Phoenix. The publication partners are US News; Business-Higher Education Forum; The Manufacturing Institute and Fortune Magazine.
The publication itself will be presented for the first time on June 18th in the frame of the 2013 STEM Solutions Summit, presented by U.S. News & World Report in Austin, TX.

The publication will be available online and in hardcopy after June 18th through STEMconnector®’s website. To read the full list of honorees and take a first look at the cover, please go to STEMconnector® will distribute copies to all the 100 companies and to all its members as well as electronic versions. Fortune Magazine will include a special advertorial section with the complete listing of the 100 CEO Leaders in STEM in its Global Issue, released July 23rd.  One event to put on the calendar is a national Town Hall Conference Call on September 25th (2:00-3:30PM ET) that will include twelve of the CEOs as speakers. Sign up for STEMconnector®’s STEMdaily® to ensure you get the latest news regarding the 100 CEO Leaders in STEM ( STEMconnector®, and its partners, have aligned a full year calendar of events and promotion that will build on the issue of the need for more corporate CEOs pushing the STEM agenda.
100 CEO Leaders in STEM comes after the 100 Women Leaders in STEM 2012 publication and its objective is to salute and celebrate an active group of CEOs that have contributed to making a difference by pushing the STEM issue throughout their careers, their industries and their companies.
The selection process included mapping over 300 CEOs and thorough research was conducted to collect material in three aspects: 1) CEO’s background and career; 2) Company’s STEM position within the industry and 3) Company’s specific items and lines of action around STEM. All CEOs had to agree to be profiled and provide insightful interviews about the issue.
Note these salient comments from six of our profiled CEO’s.
“When business collaborates with academia to enhance STEM education, we serve our students well. Needs are identified; skills and experiences are transferred efficiently and effectively.” John Veihmeyer, Chairman and CEO, KPMG U.S. “Given the rapid speed of change in today's global marketplace, a country must invest in its greatest asset — its people – – and train them to excel in science, technology, engineering, and math” John Chambers, Chairman and CEO, Cisco.
“Science, technology, engineering and math are the foundation of innovation in this era of global competitiveness.  Without STEM talent, the U.S. risks mediocrity, which would have unfortunate implications for our economy, industries and national security.” William H. Swanson, Chairman and CEO, Raytheon. “In a world where countries are competing like companies, the best educated and most talented workforce is a critical factor for success.” Andrew N. Liveris, President, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company.
“By getting today's students passionate about careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, we create the pipeline of talent necessary to develop the leading technologies that will continue to be the backbone of our economy as well as our security and quality of life.” Jim Heppelmann, President and CEO, PTC. “Future job growth will be in STEM disciplines, and a nation aspiring to be a global leader can use STEM education as a perfect platform for economic growth and prosperity.” N. Chandrasekaran, CEO and Managing Director, Tata Consultancy Services.

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