Winning on Business Recruitment
Positive momentum in the recruitment of worldwide businesses is occurring in Jacksonville. More and more companies are discovering our region’s distinguishing strengths and assets that enable their operations to grow and be successful.
In a recent article, JAXUSA Partnership President Aundra Wallace highlighted a few of the characteristics and aspects that attract companies to our area as they discover Jacksonville is an ideal location for relocation or expansion.
All target industries are experiencing growth, but especially our IT & innovation career fields, particularly those areas related to data security and analytics. Companies and workers value our low labor costs, low cost of living and access to a skilled talent pool graduating from the region’s renowned K-12 schools and institutions of higher learning, validating Jacksonville’s recent recognition of being named a Top 10 Emerging Tech City by Site Selection Group.
In the interview, Wallace pinpoints JAXPORT, one of the fastest-growing ports in the country, as a major economic attractor for companies, particularly in the manufacturing and transportation/logistics sectors. E-commerce company Wayfair broke ground on a Jacksonville distribution center earlier this year with the intent to utilize the port for its global shipping and distribution capabilities.
Wallace also shared how international businesses have strong interest in our region, especially when companies participate in foreign direct investment in the area. Our Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) spans the entire seven-county region and helps companies doing business internationally reduce the cost of operations and function more efficiently. Our FTZ is the largest of Florida’s 21 FTZs based on a combined value of import/export trade.
Our skilled workforce and talent pipeline further contribute to the attractiveness of our area and entice potential company interest.