Financial Services


The Jacksonville region is a hub of the rapidly growing fintech industry. As home to the largest fintech companies in the world and a commitment to growing world-class talent, Northeast Florida is ideal for fintech companies looking to grow and succeed.

64,800+ working in financial services

$3.6 million in grant funding

Florida's 1st fintech academy

As a "fintech city to watch closely" according to Crowdfund Insider, industry leaders and emerging companies are thriving in Northeast Florida and talent and investment are helping drive one of the fastest-growing segment of financial services.

Jacksonville is home to several leading fintech institutions with more forming or relocating here each year. Central to the area’s fintech focus is Fortune 250 company FIS, the world’s largest fintech company by revenue. FIS is growing its employee base with the new 386,000-square-foot global headquarters along downtown Jacksonville’s riverfront set to open in June 2022. The region is also home to significant fintech operations for Black Knight, Deutsche Bank, SS&C Technologies, SoFi and Dun & Bradstreet.

With two state colleges in the region awarded $3.6 million in grant funding for the Northeast Florida Fintech Initiative, the talent that Jacksonville plans to produce will strengthen the industry.

The grant fosters the development of curriculum, employment and business recruitment program to be powered a business and industry leadership team (BILT) of fintech companies that will help identify the skills, competencies and credentials that employees need to excel in these jobs.

Now more than ever fintech companies are calling the Jacksonville region home. A strong corporate base, a growing talent pool and a strong business community provides the perfect environment for fintech firms to innovate and thrive.